General Vaccinations for Goats - himalayan goat breeding farm

General Vaccinations for Goats

himalayan goat breeding farm., bungkot gorkha nepal
himalayan goat breeding farm., bungkot gorkha nepal
It is generally advised that all goats be vaccinated against overeating disease (enteroxemia) and tetanus. Both of these diseases are caused by clostridial bacteria present in animals and the environment. Goats kept on marginal pastures and/or not fed grain may be at much lower risk for overeating disease, but they are susceptible to tetanus. Vaccines used for these diseases usually provide protection for both diseases. These combination vaccines simplify herd preventive health programs and decrease costs

AnthraxSudden fever and death
Dark color bloody discharge from the natural orifice such as nose, anus and vagina
Vaccination once in a year in affected area
Disposal of carcass either by burying or burning
Don’t open the carcass as the germ spread through air
Haemorrhagic SepticemiaFever, dysentery, swelling of lower mandible and death
More occurrence in rainy season
Vaccinate the animal once in a year before onset of rainy season
BrucellosisAbortion during late pregnancy, infertility, scrotal swelling in male, joint swellingDisposal of dead foetus and placenta
Use gloves while handling infected items as it affect human beings
EnterotoxaemiaSudden death in young growing kids. Mucous diarrhea may also seen during deathVaccinate the animals once in a year before the onset of monsoon
Don’t feed on young grass
PneumoniaFever, respiratory distress, mucous discharge from nostril, reduced feed intake and weight gain, coughClean water, well ventilated house
Foot rotWound in foot regionKeep the animal in dry clean house
MastitisSwelling of udder, change in milkClean shed, wash the udder with disinfectant solution
Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PPR)Fever, Occular and nasal mucous discharge, mouth lesion, respiratory distressYearly vaccination
Separation of infected one from healthy animals
Foot and Mouth DiseaseFever, wound lesion in foot and mouth, excess salivary secretion, difficult in walkingFirst vaccination at 3rd moth and then once in 4-6 months interval
Goat poxFever, Occular and nasal mucous discharge, respiratory distress, pox lesion in un hairy parts such as lips, thigh udder etcYearly vaccination (Optional)
Endo-parasitic diseases
Fluke infectionEmaciation, anaemia, edema in lower jawControl of snails, avoid grazing in early morning and late evening, deworming of animals periodically
Tape wormReduced growth, fever, kid mortalityDeworming of animals periodically
Round wormFever, anaemia, edema in lower jaw, reduced growthdeworming of animals periodically
CoccidiosisBlood tinged brownish diarrhea, anaemia, kid mortalityClean house, spray of 10% ammonia solution, administration of anticoccidial drugs
Ecto-parasitic infestation
Tick, lice etcReduced growth, skin allergy and woundClean house, periodical dipping