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himalayan goat farm, gorkha bungkot, nepal |
Are you looking to start a goat farming and have questions in your mind? Well, you have come to the right place. Here are some commonly asked goat farming questions. You can find answers as well.
What is goat farming?
Goat farming is a procedure of raising goats or rearing goats for their meat, milk, skin, and fibre. This can be commercial or non-commercial.
Who can start goat farming?
Anyone who is interested and know basics of goats can start this business. Women, men, unemployed and who want to earn extra income along with other livestock.
Is goat farming is profitable?
Well, the answer is “Yes” and “No”. Goat farming takes many months to realize the profits. Profits depend on many factors such as breed, age at which you intended to sell, other livestock management practices (like, medical care, feed management, vaccination practices).
Should I go for meat goat farming or dairy goat farming?
This is up to you. However, goat meat has excellent demand than milk though goat milk is better than cow milk.
What is the cost of a goat?
Well, it all depends on the breed, live weight and other character sticks. Usually, a 20 kg goat may cost about 6,000 to 7,000 Indian rupees.
Are there any subsidies for goat farming in India?
Yes, NABARD provides goat farming subsidies for eligible farmers through rural banks. Some states in India have subsidy schemes for goat farming business. These subsidies enable the rural employment and contribute to the national economy.
Are goats good pets to have?
Yes, Indeed. Not only pygmy goats, most of the goats give relaxation and can be raised as just as like any other pets irrespective of their size.
Should I take trade license for goat farming business?
Though goat farming is under animal husbandry of agriculture, the commercial units must have all appropriate permits to operate. You can contact local animal husbandry department for more details.
How many square feet does a goat need? Or How much space do you need for a goat?
It depends on goat size. If the goats are raised under open land pastures, it requires less space than stall-fed goats. Usually an adult goat requires 15 to 20 feet for free movement.
Goat Farming Questions: How many acres do you need per goat?
Well, it depends on the quality pasture on the ground. A field having better pasture may able to accommodate about 8 to 9 goats per acre.
How big of a shelter do goats need?
It all depends on the number of goats and breeding. Typically an adult goat requires 4 feet by 5 feet kidding pens.
How much do goats eat in a day?
The feed input depends on age and goat stage (weaing or pregnant or lactating). In dairy goats, half kg (nearly 1 pound) grains are fed for production of 1.5 kg (nearly 3 pounds) of milk.
In case of hay feed, an adult goat can eat 4 to 5 pounds of hay per day.
What other animals can live with goats?
In free-range conditions, other livestock like sheep, cows/cattle, pigs, ducks, chickens, turkey, geese, and horses can be kept with goats.
What do goats eat?
Goats eat a variety of plants and grains. Small trees, grasses, shrubs, tree leaves, and grains are common diet of goats.
What not to feed a goat?
Should avoid poisonous plants in the grazing area. Never feed your goats with the following.
Wild cherries.
Rhubarb leaves.
Lily of the valley.
Plants with oxalates like kale.
Any nightshade vegetables / flower plants.
Rhubarb leaves.
Should I go for stall-fed or open graze goat farming?
It all depends on grazing land availability and your investment. Stall-fed goat farming costs more than open grazing. However, most of the commercial units are being set up with stall-fed facilities.
What are the best goat breeds for meat?
The following are the best meat goat breeds.
Boer goats.
Black Bengal goats.
Spanish goats.
Rangeland goats.
Kalahari goats.
Kiko goats.
Nubian goats.
Myotonic goats.
Black Bengal goats.
Verata goats.
Beetal goats.
Kashmiri goats.
Matou goats.
Angora goats.
What are the best goat breeds for milk?
The following are the best goats for milk/dairy.
Alpine goats.
LaMancha goats.
Nubian goats.
Saanen goats.
Toggenburg goats.
Oberhasli goats.
Nigerian Dwarf goats.
Sable goats.
Guernsey goats.
Best Dairy Goats.
Jamunapari Goats.
How much goat meat cost?
In India, the goat meat costs about 400 to 500 Rupees/kg.
Is it required to take goat farming training?
Well, If you know about goat basics, no need to take goat training classes. However, it is advised to go for it as the training covers all the topics of goat farming. There are private firms and also agriculture departments conduct the goat training classes.
What are the requirements for starting a goat farm?
You must have proper goat farming business plan and inital investment.
Can a goat be alone?
It is not recommended to keep a single goat as these are herd animals.
Do goats require vaccinations?
Yes, all the goats on the farm requires vaccinations including frequent deworming.
Should I insure my goats?
Yes, in case of sudden death, goat insurance covers the goat cost.
What are the goat farming systems?
There are three types of goat farming systems available.
Intensive/Zero grazing (Goats are fed only in the goat shed/house).
Semi-intensive (mix of stall feeding and outside grazing).
Extensive (open grazing).
What age do you dehorn/disbud a goat?
Usually, goat kids are disbudded at 6 to 10 days of age.
How long do goats live for?
It all depends on goat breed. On an average a goat can live up to 12 to 15 years.
What is a male goat called?
Male goat is referred as “buck” or “billy”. If the male goat is castrated, it is referred as a “wether”.
What is a female goat called?
goat is called as “Doe” or “Nannie”.
Can my goats and chickens live together?
Yes, in free-range conditions. However, they should be kept separate while resting in the house or shelter.
What are the some common goat diseases?
The following are some of the goat diseases.
Goat Pox.
Foot and Mouth Diseases Virus.
Foot rot in goat.
Heat stress.
Liver Fluke.
Ring worm.
How much hay do goats eat a day?
Generally, Each goat needs about 1.5 kg to 2.5 kg (3 to 5 pounds) of hay/day. This hay may be grass or legume crops like alfalfa.
What are the best fodder crops for goats?
Some of the fodder crops that goats are interested in. These may include cereal, legume and tree crops.
Napier grass.
Green arhar.
Gram crops.
What is the smallest breed of goats?
The Pygmy goats are considered as smallest meat breeds where as Nigerian Dwarf goats are considered as smallest dairy breeds, and the Pygora goats are considered as smallest fiber breeds.
What is the gestation period for goats?
Usually, the gestation period of goats is from 148 to 152 days. You can consider the average gestation period of a goat is about 150 days.
What do you feed the goats in the winter?
When goats don’t have access to free-range grazing, your best bet is hay (grass) or a legume (clover or alfalfa).
How old does a goat have to be to get pregnant?
Well, it depends on breed and weight. However, 4 to 10 months is the average period.
How many babies do goats have at a time?
It depends on the breed. Some may give singles, and twinning is common in some goats. The Nigerian dwarf goats can produce upto 3 to 4 kids in a single birth.
What is flushing in goats and why should I do it?
Ans: Flushing is nothing but providing additional nutrition or feed to does (female goats) 15 days before the breeding. Flushing is done to increase the number of ovulations for more kidding rate (like twins or triplets).
What are the problems and challenges in goat farming?
Selection of proper breed, feed management, and health care are more important aspects of goat farming business.
What is the Investment required to start a goat farm?
Well, it all depends on farm size and breed. You can start with low capital with minimal numbers and increase the herd size as you gain more experience in goat management. There is no specific amount we can talk about.
What is stall feeding?
Stall fed goat farming system is becoming popular day by day. It’s pretty new system and has many advantages compared to traditional goat farming system. High profit, fast growth, less care etc. are some main advantages of stall fed goat farming system. If you are planing for starting a goat farm project in a controlled but professional manner, then stall fed goat farming system is the most practical and the best system to follow. Here we are trying to discuss more about stall fed goat farming system.
In traditional method goats are allowed to graze freely which involves movement of goats from one place to another. This traditional method facing difficulties due to following drawbacks.
Labor Deficiency and upcoming generation not willing to take this kind of job
Pilferage - Theft of animals
Due to Urbanisation and deforestation goat farmers are not getting suitable graze lands to the goats
By nature goat grazing style is also one reason for deforestation and hence goat grazing is not allowed in forest areas
The demand for Goat products is increasing and traditional method is not supplying as per the demand stall feeding goat farming is the best alternate
Advantages of Goat Stall feeding
Labor Deficiency and upcoming generation not willing to take this king of job
Pilferage - Theft of animals
Due to Urbanisation and deforestation goat farmers are not getting suitable graze lands to the goats
By nature goat grazing style is also one reason for deforestation and hence goat grazing is not allowed in forest areas
The demand for Goat products is increasing and traditional method is not supplying as per the demand stall feeding goat farming is the best alternate
What is S I M A ?
S I M A is most important rule which needs to follow to get success in goat stall feeding. i.e., Selection of animal, Infrastructure, Management and Agriculture
Selection of Animal :
Performance of the animal is influence by the gene of parental animal but not the breed.The best gene animal can be tested by means of age, body weight, structure, yield of milk, and healthy kidding performances. Ex: if animal is of aged 12 months and 10 10-12kgs and mates with 20 kg animal, then it gives birth to the kid of 800-1000 gm day one weight. If animal is of 12 months old and weighs 45-50 kg with good body structure, udder structure, mates with 75-80 kilo animal then kids day one wight will be 4.5 -5 KG. This kid will grow up to 50 kilo for one year with all perfect and proper infrastructure, management and feeding
Infrastructure :
If the number of animals is less than 25-40animals then need not worry much about infrastructure but need to take care in selection of animals, management and feeding.
If the number of animals is more than 40 infrastructure for animals, workers should be considered.
The infrastructure should contain provision for breeding, kidding, milking, Sick animal treatment, quarantining the animals, food / medicine stock, labor sheds, water facility.
Management :
Managing the Animal - knowledge about managing the animal like, managing the animal before, during and after the pregnance and delivery of the kid
Managing the male stock, kids, and growing animals
In time and proper checking along with necessary periodical treatments like, woof trimming, hair removal, de worming, dipping treatment, vaccination, and observation of animals about the their sickness
Feeding management like, greens, hay and concentrates separation, stock, mixture and in time feeding.
Maintaining whole farm under the bio security measurement
Maintaining the records in all aspects such as, animals, kids, food, medicine, milk, manure .etc . . .
Labor and Financial management
Agriculture :
YGF sincerely suggests to have its own agriculture land for cultivation of required feeds. Even though people may think to get commitment from the neighbour or any farmers for cultivating and buying of feeds that may not be fulfill the exact requirement, intime availability or simply cannot be relay.
Requirement of agriculture land is i acre for 30 animals
The must and should practice to be followed are
Step or batch cultivation of maize or multi cutting grass for the 365 days feeding
Growing the fodder trees (sesbania, malbari, subabul etc...) proportional to the number of animals
Spacing for the multi cutting of lucerne and hedge lucerne
Soil and land treatment
Water management (drip, sprinkle etc . . )
Labor management
Any one aspect of S I M A rule is not taken care or failed then total farming may end up with undesired results.
Food adulteration caution
Cattle feeds are suggested by some sources but YGF recommends not to go for that cattle feed , instead get the natural feedings like, (Maize, Sesbania, Mulberry, subabul, lucerne, hedge lucerne, Mineral Mixture, Calcium Supplement, Iron Supplement . . .
Myths About Goat Farming
Exotic Animal crossing gives more weghing kid or best breed : No . . . Indian breeds are to the international level - exotic animals may not necessary to get best production
Goat Farming is Make more money in short time : No . . . there is no shortcut . . . if proper SIMA rule is followed then only one can get more profit
Goat Farming is loss business : No . . . with passion and proper SIMA rule followup Goat farming is profitable venture
What is the cost estimation for per acre land OR minimum project cost ?
Commercial Aspects for 30 Goats farming for the period of Two years
(All the Expenditures are at higher level and incomes are lower level)
Capital (infrastructure)2,00,000/-
30 Aimals6,00,000/-
Food and Medicine (30animalsX30Rs / day*365days*2)6,57,000/-
Kids Expenditure (84kids X 180days X 25rs/day)3,78,000/-
Capital interest (12.5%)1,00,000/-
From Kids (80kids X 40kilo X 400Rs / kilo)12,80,000/-
Milk (90 Days X 3Kidding X 0.5Ltr / day X 100Rs / ltrX28 animals)3,78,000/-
Manure (1Kg X365D X 30Parent X 5Rs)54,750/-
Manure (1KgX120D X 80kids X 5Rs)48,000/-
PROFIT = Total Income - Food and medicine - Kids Expenditure - Capital interest
PROFIT = 17,60,750 - 6,57,000 - 3,78,000 - 1,00,000 PROFIT = 6,25,750/-
This profit 6,25,750/- is for the duration of two years. i.e.,Per Year 3,12,875/- and Per Month profit is 26,073/-
Note : One acre of land is required for 25-30 animals farming
8, Can I visit your farm?
As a working farm, Happy Goats Farm has to be careful with regard to hygiene and disease risk, as well as health and safety issues, so we do not routinely conduct farm tours. However, we do open upon request for corporate team building and group visits. Please contact us.
Where can I buy your products?
You can buy from our farm directly if available.